Friday, October 24, 2008

It's an Alien!!

I realize that it has been awhile since I have talked about my pregnancy. I am entering my 7th month, and the baby is so much more active than ever before. I am always shocked to see my belly moving in all different directions. It really is like that scene in the movie Alien!! I think it is so awesome to watch, but if I could see exactly what the baby was doing in there, I might freak out. Sometimes I try to picture a little baby, stretching it's arms and legs, and spinning and turning. Ewwww.....oops, I mean...Awwww. It is beautiful and gross at the same time.

I am finally getting her crib tomorrow. It is my first item to fill the baby room. I spent months looking for the perfect crib, bedding and mattress. I found a fairly inexpensive all organic mattress online, and the site offered free shipping! Sweet! If anyone wants to know where I found it, let me know. I'm in major nesting mode, and it's great. I am getting so much done lately. My house has never been so clean and organized! Projects excite me. How long will it last? If I could only have this much energy all of the time! -sigh-

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