Saturday, October 11, 2008

Oooops. A rant.

I don't want to bore you with my rant, but I do feel that I have something I need to get off of my chest.

Women have been working so hard to become equals. We wanted to have careers, be respected by our men, and our husbands.....etc. I get it.

I believe we have accomplished this. Some women hold down jobs, and some women have successful careers. But doesn't this make it difficult for women to have families too?? I think so, and I believe this is the reason:

Women changed their role, but men never changed theirs.

All we ended up doing was adding more work into our schedules. Like it wasn't hard enough being a we have to be career women AND housewives if we decide to have a family. Sometimes I wish I had had the option to decide which one I wanted to be. Not many families can afford to have a mother stay at home anymore, and more and more children are spending the majority of their first years of life away from their parents. I am saddened by the way things have become.

Most men still believe women need to withhold their household duties. So, after a long day of work, men get to put their feet up, and women still have to be mom's and caretakers. I am not saying all men are like this....but many women that I have spoken to about this, do feel over worked and under appreciated. At first, I was upset at the men for being so arrogant, and thinking that they didn't have to cook or clean because it wasn't their job.....but, it isn't their fault at all. They are just maintaining their old fashioned role. A role that may have been taught to them by their parents, at a time when stay at home mom's were more common.

Now what do you we do? How can I get my husband to step outside of his role, and how can I balance the role of housewife, mom, and working woman, without losing my mind?

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1 comment:

Wendy said...

You have to talk to him about it. Unless he's just a *complete* jerk (and it doesn't sound like he is) he'll at least try. Explain to him the things you need help with. Like if you cook, he cleans the kitchen and vice versa. But remember, men are a lot like little kids. You'll have to gently prod and remind him from time to time.

Thomas helps me in the house, but since I stay home now, I don't expect him to do much, and even get mad at him when he does. It makes me feel incompetent. Crazy, right?

Good luck with everything!