Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Almost Done!

Hello! If anyone has been following...the baby is now due in less than 2 weeks! I am so anxious, and nervous, but mostly anxious. I have been waiting for this all of my life, and it is finally here. I can't wait to see my daughter for the first time. it is surreal, and I can still barely imagine her being out. I wake up every morning wondering if this is the day I will go into labor. The waiting is the hardest part! I will be sure to post pictures as soon as I can.

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1 comment:

Kmommy said...

Super exciting!! Yes, the waiting at the end there is absolutely the hardest part! Especially the first time (but its not much easier the second time - at least you know better what you are waiting for!)
Just for god sakes, do not get induced. It makes it so much harder and so much longer.
Hope everything goes well and can't wait to see pics!!