Friday, December 12, 2008

A Simple Christmas

Our Christmas tree.

This year I am thankful for the little things. There is so much magic during the holiday season. I am not buying many gifts, most will be made. I am focusing on other things that make my holiday special. Things like packing ourselves into the car late at night to see all of the Christmas lights. Cookies! Hot Chocolate! Laying under the Christmas tree. The smell of pine. Making snowmen. Christmas crafts (I still make paper snowflakes!). My mom was so good at making things special for us. We made gingerbread houses, and filled oranges with cloves. Those are my most fond memories. I hope to reproduce that magic in my own daughters life. Teaching her to enjoy the simple pleasures, and to never get sucked into the "material" holiday. Remember to make the season magical! Happy Holidays!

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Michelle said...

Such a beautiful Christmas Tree!!

Unknown said...

Wow that does look awesome! You guys definitely got the awesome Christmas tree this year. Very cool photo as well!